scholarly iq

Scholarly iQ provides key business services for leading academic publishers to meet key industry standards and gain business advantage through data driven insights. Whether it is deeper reporting into COUNTER usage data, integrating further, disparate data sources or delivering enhanced, valued insight to further, varied stakeholders, internal and external, SiQ has unique experience in helping publishers meet such challenges since 2002.

  • Reporting to article level for authors, funders etc
  • Next step investigations such as looking at source IP/Host for Turnaway reports
  • Royalty reporting
  • Evidence based acquisition models for trial accounts
  • Faster/next day internal reporting for faster, more timely data driven actions
  • More sophisticated, meaningful metrics analysis such as cost per download or rate of change of usage for products, accounts, countries etc to identify opportunities and risks
  • Full ODBC access to underlying granular data for application integration and data driven systems



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