

Deliver instant access to real-time attention insights

Altmetric tracks and collates the online attention surrounding scholarly content in real time, making it easy to stay up to date with the latest shares and discussion surrounding published research.


Altmetric Badges

The instantly recognizable Altmetric badges can be easily added to any journal to provide readers and authors with additional feedback and context on the articles. The donut updates in real time as new attention is found – the colours change to reflect the source of that attention, and the Altmetric Attention Score, which is a weighted count of all of mentions of the item, increases as the volume grows.

Users can click on the donut to visit the Altmetric details page, where they can explore and click through to all of the original mentions, or sign up to be alerted when new attention is found. The details pages can be branded to match the look and feel of your site.

Authors and readers find the addition of this data extremely useful for:

  • Understanding the wider context around a publication
  • Seeing what other researchers and broader audiences thought of the research
  • Finding examples of the influence and reach of their work to showcase
  • Building their professional reputation and extending their networks


Altmetric API

Altmetric data can also be added to your site via the Altmetric API, which provides programmatic access to all of the attention insights. With the API you can choose how and where to display the data – great if you want to pull out interesting highlights, prominently feature attention from certain sources, or showcase trending or most popular articles on a homepage.  

Altmetric is part of Digital Science.

Digital Science is a technology company serving the needs of scientific and research communities at key points along the full cycle of research. We invest in, nurture and support innovative businesses and technologies that make all parts of the research process more open, efficient and effective. We believe that together, we can change research for good.



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